Watershed Distribution and Sampling Info for the Species Ptomaphagus fumosus

Purchase Area
Lower Ltl River
NC Fringe
TN Fringe

Sampling Information for Ptomaphagus fumosus
WatershedSampling Method Sample DateCollector(s)Determiner
Bunches Creek Berlese sampling2001-07-31 ATishechkin AKTishechkin
Cosby Creek pitfall trap2001-03-05 ICStocks AKTishechkin
East Prong Little River pitfall trap2000-11-10 ICStocks AKTishechkin
East Prong Little River pitfall trap2001-05-08 ICStocks & MWilliams AKTishechkin
East Prong Little River pitfall trap2001-09-17 ICStocks AKTishechkin
Forney Creek pitfall trap2001-05-10 ICStocks AKTishechkin
Forney Creek unspecified2001-06-30 Upward Bound students AKTishechkin
Indian Camp Creek Berlese sampling2001-10-19 LSAM Team AKTishechkin
Indian Camp Creek Berlese sampling2005-08-01 ATishechkin & JCiegler AKTishechkin
LeConte Creek Berlese sampling2002-08-01 CECarlton AKTishechkin
LeConte Creek Berlese sampling2003-12-06 CECarlton & AJMayor AKTishechkin
LeConte Creek pitfall trap2000-11-06 ICStocks AKTishechkin
Middle Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2004-07-31 CECarlton & NLowe AKTishechkin
Middle Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2005-10-06 DChouljenko, MGimmel & AHeppermann AKTishechkin
Middle Prong Little Pigeon by hand2001-10-18 CECarlton & VLMoseley AKTishechkin
Noland Creek pitfall trap2001-05-10 ICStocks AKTishechkin
Raven Fork Berlese sampling2004-10-02 WDMerritt AKTishechkin
Uncertain Berlese sampling2002-08-01 CECarlton AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2001-06-28 LSAM Team AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2002-07-18 CECarlton AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2003-07-19 SO'Keefe AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2004-04-03 CECarlton AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2006-04-14 CECarlton AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon Berlese sampling2007-04-02 ATishechkin AKTishechkin
West Prong Little Pigeon sifting litter2004-07-29 ATishechkin AKTishechkin